Andrew E Heath - Patent
A Wimmera farmer, Mr. Andrew E.
Heath, has invented and patented an appli
ance for handling wheat in bulk. Models
are being exhibited this week at the Wan-
garatta Agricultural show, and on this page
we reproduce photographs in which the
character of the invention may be seen.
1. Heath's Economic Bulk Handler
The appliance has yet to receive the hall
mark of success in a practical trial, but the
inventor claims that every effort has been
made to eliminate the need for manual
labor in the conveyance cf grain from thc
paddock to the farm yard and railway sta-
tion. In construction, Mr. Heath claims,
details of an intricate and costly nature
2. Drawing Wheat Into Truck.
have been avoided. The appliance is at-
tachable to any type of waggon or dray
without any alteration to the vehicle.
There is no power required, except that
of the horses to draw the load from the
field. The same power is used to draw the
load into the waggon and elevate it to any
required height at the storage bin. It con-
sists of two portable ramps, with an ar-
rangement of pulleys, a truck fitted with
crank axles and flanged wheels, with a
pulley at one end. It is also fitted with
trapdoors for the discharge of the contents;
adjustable shoots projecting from the side
to allow of the grain shoot of harvester to
be brought over same. The box shown in
the model; which is built to scale of 1½ inch
to foot, is designed to contain about 24 bags
of wheat. The dimensions are 10 ft. x 3
ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 6 in. The size df trunk can
be varied to suit the capacity of any
3. Drawn on to the Main Ramp
The aim of the inventor is to enable the
farmer to convey to the field, with his
waggon and team. the plant necessary for
loading the harvested grain in bulk. The.
snall ramp is. drawn behind the waggon on
skids. The track is run down the ramp
4.- Discharge into Bin.
to rails on the field, and is filled direct
from the harvester. A rope is then at-
tached to the back of body of the waggon,
and is passed round a pulley at the rear
of the truck, and forward to the horses.
5. Weighing Wheat
There being a double purchase one horse
should be able to draw the load into the
waggon. When the farm yard is reached
the waggon is backed against the main ramp
Sliding rails, upon which track rests, are
connected with ramp, a rope is attached to
the rear end of the truck, carried over a
pulley at upper end of ramp, under one at
the level of the axle bed of waggon, and
then secured to a ring in the axle bed. As
the waggon moves forward the truck is
drawn to the top of the ramp, and on to
rails, projecting over any desired storage.
Trapdoors at the rear and bottom of truck
are then opened and contents discharged
into storage bins. The invention also con-
tains a weighing platform, which can be
placed at end of ramp, and upon which the
truck is run and weight of load registered
and load discharged forawrd into storage
bin or railway truck.
The exact cost of this appliance has not
been fixed, but Mr. Heath's estimate is about
£50. It is claimed by the inventor that
6. Discharge into Truck.
a farmer will be able to handle a day's
capacity of a single harvester with but
little more time and trouble than in the
case of the usual harnessing and bag cart-
ing to and from the field. If practical
trials endorse the inventor's claim, this
appl.ance should become in important fac-
tor as a feeder to elevators in a general
scheme of handling wheat in bulk.