Heath Family Genealogy - Sources
- Letters from William E.Heath (Chatswood Rd Chatswood NSW) dated 1923
copied by Jessie Ellen Heath (16 Springdale Rd, Killara) dated 1938
copied by Zoe and Lemuel Roy Heath
- International Genealogical Index, Heath entries in Devon only
- Other papers from Roy Heath via Felicity Spear
- Victorian and NSW Pioneers indices
- Zoe Heath's scrapbook and photo album (courtesy Felicity Spear)
The family sources I have traced show that William E. Heath wrote to
Jessie Ellen Heath in 1923 (he had also written to Fred Verrell Heath),
and Jessie passed the information on to Zoe in 1938 when Roy became
interested. There are copying errors in Jessie's letter and Roy's
papers and anachronisms in both William's and Jessie's letters (such as
confusion about which French revolution the Rodier's escaped from).
Roy also had certain early papers that William didn't, and obviously
has more complete information about his father's family.
Unacknowledged information is generally from current records, or from
more than one of the old records.
The IGI is that collected by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints (Mormon) and is fairly authoritative, but generally only
contains christenings and marriages (not births or deaths), so is
of less usefulness than might first be thought.